Writer’s Notebook

Your noteworthy companion to fiction writing.

Writer’s Notebook is your store of notes for your writing projects.

It’s divided into five note-writing sections: Situation, Location, Characterisation, Sensory Details, and lastly, Freeform Notes and Observations.

At the beginning is a brief list of writing techniques you can draw on according to your need at the time.

Your Writer’s Notebook will be a source of motivation and a rich store of your ideas and written snapshots when it comes time to developing your writing projects, whether they are books, short stories, novellas, poems or articles.

With over 340 pages and in a convenient size (A5+), carry your Writer’s Notebook wherever you go, so you never forget sudden inspirations and ideas as they come to you.

Artist’s Archive

As artists, too often, the details of our artworks are lost in the mists of the past, leaving us wondering what colour we used in that painting, or what dimensions did it have.

The Artist’s Archive is a dedicated solution to this problem. Artists can create a complete record of their artworks, from start to finish, saving hours of searching around in different files and folders, and creating a valuable record of their work.

Record important details, including:

  • the date
  • the artwork title
  • the inspiration behind it
  • dimensions
  • collector contact details
  • colour mixing and paint brands

A hand-written reference for galleries, collectors, family, and most importantly, for the artists themselves.

Artist’s Archive
Stay Inspired!

Transformation Journal

transformation journal by sarah fenwick

Inside you, there’s a well of untapped creativity that’s waiting to be discovered.

We forget our natural creativity because of our busy daily routines taking care of our families, work, and home lives.

Write in the Transformational Journal as much as you can to build a store of amazing ideas that might become your hobby, a solution to a problem, or even turn into a business.

Each page starts with the writing prompt: ‘Today I create…

When you’ve filled the journal with ideas, read them again and act on the ones you believe will fill your life with creative inspiration. Then go create your precious life.

So many memories are made by sharing meals with friends and family. I created My Beautiful Recipe Book for you to keep these memories and hand them down to loved ones.

Write down your recipes and memorable moments for each one and keep a record that you can look back on with enjoyment. Each recipe includes a space to write down the ingredients, the method, and wine or beverage pairings, along with any special moments you experienced.

Make the memories of your creativity and cooking last longer than a day, make them last a lifetime. And when you look back on your recipes, you might decide it’s time to create your own recipe book and share it with the world!