“Along the unsettled border between fact and fiction, myths are born.”

Sarah Fenwick
sarah fenwick author

Anglo-Cypriot author Sarah Fenwick was born in Kenya in 1966 and studied Journalism, Media, and Advertising at the University of Wisconsin.

A fan of Ernest Hemingway’s direct writing style, Sarah’s motto is: “Grasp the essence of your story, then write about it simply, clearly, and in context.”

Her other artistic passions are jazz music and painting.

In June, 2023, Sarah released her first fiction novel, Phos, The Light Walker. It combines historical fiction with elements of magical realism.

She is currently working on two new books:

  • Soul Tracker, the sequel to ‘The Light Walker’;
  • and Shorts, a book of short stories.


The Light Walker

the light walker by sarah fenwick

Nicosia, 1940. Alexandros Kyprianides is a child prodigy, a brilliant mathematician.

But one day, his childhood comes to an abrupt end when he is recruited by the British government and taken to Oxford.

This magical realism book is a tour de force, weaving together themes of war and peace, love and hate, and the struggle for unity in a divided world. It’s a story that will stay with you long after you turn the final page, inspiring you to hope and dream for a better world.

“Intriguing!” (Reader).

‘The Light Walker’ is available on Amazon.

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Author Sarah Fenwick has over 15 years experience as a financial writer in the Forex industry and Stock Exchange news. ‘Understand Forex Trading News’ is the one book to read to connect trading news with asset prices.

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Online marketing for musicians can seem complicated and overwhelming. Sarah Fenwick’s handbook ‘Digital Marketing for Musicians’ breaks it down into bite-sized chunks to help you decide where to focus your marketing efforts.